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To guarantee the optimal performance of a welded structure, it is imperative to assess the quality of the welds through rigorous testing procedures. These tests involve subjecting the welds to proof testing conditions that are either identical or more stringent than the actual conditions faced by the welded structures in the field. The evaluation of weld quality is primarily conducted based on the intended function of the weld.

Weld testing involves two fundamental methods: a) Destructive testing, b) Non-destructive testing.

Destructive testing entails assessing the weld's quality by physically altering or damaging a representative sample. On the other hand, non-destructive testing involves evaluating the weld's integrity without compromising its structural integrity.

The certification of an authorized welding inspector is a critical aspect of ensuring the reliability of the testing process. These inspectors should hold certifications from reputable bodies such as TWI (The Welding Institute), AWS (American Welding Society), or an equivalent certified authority. This certification ensures that the welding inspector possesses the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to conduct accurate and reliable assessments of weld quality, contributing to the overall safety and performance of welded structures.